Seb Man : The New Brand For The Entrepreneur
Finding the best hair products is always an experiment as you discover the good and the not-so-good. With most hair brands regularly advertising that they offer this and that - and often the case, deliver little of the above - it is certainly hard (pun intended) to truly find one that works for you; and when you do, you often stick with them 'til evermore. Introducing Seb Man, the professional haircare brand that can be found in salons across the world, such a brand can essentially be categorised as being amongst the elite...but without the price tag.
With their 'legendary' Molding Mud an absolute go-to for our studio's fellas, we were most pleased (and impressed) by the brand's recently diversification. Launching a sub-brand called Seb Man beneath the parent Sebastian Professional, such a product range is aimed at those wanting to live without any categorisation, styling beauty without boundaries. As Geri Cusenza, founder of Sebastian Professional, explains, "...I imagine we can change the world, one head, one face or one body at a time."
Photography credit : Seb Man