Maiden Voyage Of The Airlander 10

There are boats and then there are big ships; there are cars and then there are fast supercars. Here, the world's largest aircraft has left its hangar for the very first time and is about to make its maiden voyage. Nicknamed - arguably appropriately - the Flying Bum, the Airlander 10 has been reported out of its hangar at Cardington Airfield (UK). Have you seen anything quite like it?

Designed by Hybrid Air Vehicles, the company believes that the aircraft is the future of aviation, being both quieter and less pollutant than traditional aircraft. Of a bulbous shape. the aircraft is currently undergoing it's final tests before its maiden voyage. As technical director Mike Durham explains, "...last week we successfully completed our final in-hangar all-engines, all-generators, all-systems testing."

Measuring a colossal 91 metres long and 26 metres high, the Airlander 10 is a hybrid between airship and airplane, and the fusion of both means that the machine can stay airborne for up to five days (yes, five days!). Without any internal structure, the highly innovative machine maintain's its shape via the pressure of the helium inside the hull and unlike previous attempts, has been manufactured from much more state of the art materials. Acting like both a helium balloon and a typical airplane, the machine can rotate, lift and land all within the remit of the pilot and his / her engines' capabilities.

Originally developed as part of a US Army collaboration, Hybrid Air Vehicles brought the machine to the UK after American funding was cut. SATORI & SCOUT can't decide which is more impressive, this feat of engineering or the luxurious internal of the new Airbus A380. Either your decision, both are highly aspirational and for the well developed lifestyle.

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Photography credit : Hybrid Air Vehicles
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