Concrete x Pastel Hues At Casaplata

Who'd have thought that mixing two of the biggest trends in recent interior design and architecture would actually work - the softness of pastel hues and the harshness of concrete. Introducing Casaplata, a restaurant and cocktail bar in the very center of Seville (Spain), the proof is in the pudding (pun, intended) - there to be seen - that this juxtaposition does kind of work.

Designed by Lucas y Hernández-Gil, this restaurant's design features raw concrete with sharp-edged and cold floors, populated with basic and undecorated utilities and furniture. Somewhat avoiding Seville's commonplace nostalgia where other restaurants are always looking for a historical revival from the past, Casaplata is about looking for their own singular image. Boasting strong colour pieces that really stand out and pop against the contrasting silver-grey atmosphere, the entire interior seeks to reinforce the gastronomical experience, blurring the lines of the environment to focus on what is within reach - patron's food.

The perforations within the sheets of all the furniture pieces add a certain lightness to everything, further developing this peeled-back design approach, and equally so, most of the decor takes the form of a circle (lighting, mirrors, and openings) to give an overall allusion of a futuristic appeal. Discover more about the architect's design online at:

Photography credit : Juan Delgrado / Lucas y Hernandez-Gil
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